In summary, Mcduff left his family to escaped from Macbeth's soldiers. His family felt abandoned and questioned his loyalty to them, the king, and Scotland. Mcduff left his family in doubt of their own self worth. Lady Mcduff and Mcduff's son discussed about what they were to do without a father/husband. At the end of the scene, Macbeth's soldiers came for Lady Mcduff and son. They killed Mcduff's son, who had absolute faith in his father, and left Lady Mcduff to mourn over her losses. In the end, Mcduff's family still stayed loyal to him for they protected Mcduff's escape plans.
The Essential Questions that we would like to use in our project are:
1. What could destroy or build a person's self worth?
2. What is loyalty?
3. Is one's self worth constant or ever changing?
We chose these questions because we found frequent examples of loyalty, self worth and the lack of them both.
Good I think you are on the right track. YOu could expand and bring in more egs and quotes to support your EQ however you are off to a good start adn I see that you are understanding the scene.